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发布时间:2023-09-09 04:32:22源自:http://www.xiziv.com/作者:说说控阅读(270)

1、I love waking up and seeing text messages on my phone.我爱一觉醒来时,读到你发来的手机短信。

2、I in and so on future. Will have your future. 我在等未来,有你的未来。

3、Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子

4、She would prefer silence he'd rather miss 她宁愿沉默 他宁愿错过

5、We loved each other and were ignora

6、I hope I can depend on bed with you every day. 我希望每天都能和你一起赖床。

7、Dare pick up your memories and I lost. 你和我的回忆丢了不敢捡。

8、Love one another and you will be happy It's as simple and as difficult as that. 彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。

9、I want you to be happy. But I want to be the reason. 我想要你幸福,但我希望我是你幸福的原因。

10、Happy,islooksforawarmpersonforalifetime. 幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。

11、The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, the more you forget The more you forget, the less you know So why bother to learn 学的越多,知道的越多,知道的越多,忘记的越多,忘记的越多,知道的越少,为什么学来着?

12、I am ordinary yet unique. 我很平凡,但我独一无二。

13、I'm just actors, always in someone else's story, his tears flow. 我只是个戏子,永远在别人的故事里,流着自己的眼泪。

14、Sophisticated and worldly, is the most sophisticated kind.深谙世故却不世故,才是最善良的成熟。

15、Most of the time a lot of bad can not open that kind of feeling you will not understand. 很多时候很多难受无法开口 那种感受你不会懂。

16、Love's tongue is in the eyes. 爱情的话语全在双眼之中。

17、I tasted the taste of love and friendship, both lost. 我尝过爱情和友情满盘皆输的味道。

18、I put up with all the last hand, I can not tolerate anything. 我容忍了所有最后反倒什么都容不下我。

19、If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks That’s how dreams are achieved。 如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求,不要管别人是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦想的方式。

20、Love me little, but love me long 【vs】 爱我少些,但要爱得久些。

21、Music is my painkiller.音乐就是我的止痛药

22、The time that you are my most fatal. 时光深知你是我最致命的爱人。

23、Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. -----你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信


24、Oneofthemostdifficulttasksinlifeisremovingsomeonefromyourheart. 人生最难的事情之就是把某人从你的心底删除。

25、I desperately running forward but still can not close your heart. 我拼命向前奔跑却始终接近不到你的心。

26、Everything is good when new, but friend when old. 东西新的好,朋友老的好。

27、Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too


29、You don't have much good, I like it. ( 你不用多好,我喜欢就好。)

30、When the winter warmer when the sea is no longer so blue. 当冬夜渐暖当大海不再那么蓝。

31、Hello, I'm walking slowly. I wish you happiness, but also I lonely. 你好好过,我慢慢走。祝你幸福,还我孤独。

32、I will follow you to the end of time. 我会随你到时间的尽头。

33、e must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。

34、Pure will loss ,Youth fades清纯即将流失 ,青春逐渐消失

35、If you are not the blind do not use ears to understand me.如果你不是瞎子就不要用耳朵来了解

36、Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. 爱只是一个字,直到有人来到你面前,并赋予它意义。

37、All just want to have a person in his defense, but even tell the reason from no 心里的一切只想找个人诉说,可是却连诉说的理由都没有。

38、Adversity is a good discipline. 苦难是磨练人的好机会

39、No one can change another. But one can be the reason for another to change. 没人能改变另一个人,但是某个人能成为一个人改变的原因。

40、My temper off a lot of people but the most people really 我的脾气赶走了很多人 但留下了最真的人。

41、Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. 笑得和呼吸一样多,爱得像活得一样久。


42、Disappointment is injured, than be more painful thing 失望是比受伤,更让人痛苦的事情。

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