发布时间:2023-04-10 09:44:22源自:http://www.xiziv.com/作者:说说控阅读(261)
1、I iust rely on memory
2、I may not love you anymore. (我可能不会再爱你了)
3、Wealth is best known by want. 人穷方知钱可贵。
4、Rely on I don't need your false! 我不需要你那虚伪的依靠
5、If there is a suitcase, I'll spiralling out to stray. 如果有皮箱,我会一发不可收拾的去流浪。
6、Be the best version of youself. 做最好版本的自己。
7、We continue to move forward, forget the way how to go back. 我们都在不断赶路,忘记了出路。
8、Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory. 前进走不完距离,后退走不出回忆。
9、l have you. That is all I need.我有你,就够了。
10、Do not because of setbacks and failures, you forget the distance you said. 不要因为挫折和失败,就忘记了你说过的远方。
11、When you have no one to love you, love yourself on your own. 没有人心疼的时候 ,就自己心疼自己 。
12、Secret love I must tell me in case of mutual secret love is silly Fried day 暗恋我一定要告诉我 万一
13、I will cherish every good to me ( 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人)
14、A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.活得长并不
15、Memory is a kind of inner rumor. 回忆,是一种内心的谣言。
16、If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lose. 如果你想要却不去拼搏,那么失去了你就别哭泣。
17、Time will run out of a person's all enthusiasm 时间会耗尽一个人的所有热情。
18、A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. 开怀大笑和睡个好觉是一切的良药。
19、Avete mai pensato che la vicenda è proporzionale con sempre. 你曾以为海誓山盟是跟天荒地老成正比的。
20、In place waiting for one person, may not have thought about, maybe that person had been there long forgotten here
21、No meeting, no story. 没有遇见就没有故事。
22、No “can”,but will. -----没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。
23、I Don't the way , but you don't no. 我一直不曾走远,只是你从未发现
24、Destiny never
25、Memories can make you smile, but it can very well make you cry hard. 回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。
26、All the city is a full of lonely cage (城市是一座装满孤独的牢笼)
27、Is it true that having a love interest or loving yourself is the coolest thing. 儿女情长什么的 真的很影响我行走江湖,还是爱自己最酷了。
28、Nobody could ever replace you. 从来就没有人能代替的了你。
29、Love, living things, is you let me know!
30、Don't promise me forever, just love me day by day. 不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。
31、It seems that I just need to be need. Never to be important. 我好像只是偶尔被需要,从来没有很重要。
32、I never go far. 我从未走远
33、I am ordinary yet unique. 我很平凡,但是我独一无二。
34、Life is not what you have gained but what you have done. 生命不在乎得到什么,只在乎做过什么。
35、I'm just folk.I have mood swings. 我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。
36、You can't go back. That's growth. 回不去了,这就是成长。
37、if the time can go backwards, everything is no longer precious. 如果时间可以倒退,一切也就不再珍贵。
38、Every man is a poet when he is in love. 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。
39、With the most true of yourself,can you meet the most suitable one. 用最真实的自己,才能遇见最合适的那个人。
40、Clearly know love is a hurtful things, but we still relentlessness to choose love. 明明知道爱是一种伤人的东西,但我们还是义无反顾的去选择爱情。
41、Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory.哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。
42、I have changed?I did not change,beginner's mind never change. 我变了?我没变,初心未曾改变。
43、Don't put too many people into your life.After all, too much enthusiasm is never appreciated. 不必把太多人请进生命里 毕竟太过热情总不被珍惜。
44、From now on, I will expect nothing, and just take what I get. 从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有
45、If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 如果你年轻时不学会思考,那就永远不会。
46、No matter how far we will be very good. 无论多远,我们会很好的。
47、Sloth tarnishes the edge of wit懒散能磨去才智的锋芒。
48、why not go of attachment 为何执着的不放掉。
49、I have no ambition, I just want you. 我没有野心,我只想要你。
50、I want to be your sun around you. [我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁.]
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